Seniors and alcohol: towards a new approach to safeguarding health
While regular alcohol consumption is dangerous for everyone, it is particularly so for senior citizens, who need to look for alternatives.

It’s not easy for anyone to stop drinking alcohol, especially when you’ve been drinking it for most of your life. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent among the elderly, who see no point in depriving themselves. Yet doing so could have very positive effects on their health.
Why are seniors more exposed to alcohol-related problems?
Consumption rooted in tradition
It is generally considered difficult for seniors and the elderly to stop drinking alcohol. For most of them, drinking has become a habit, an everyday reflex. In Belgium, around 40% of seniors over the age of 65 drink at least one glass of alcohol a day. For a majority of these people, alcohol is an integral part of their tradition, even their culture.
Alcohol consumption increases with feelings of unhappiness
If seniors are particularly sensitive to the dangers of alcohol, it’s primarily because they have consumed it for a large part of their lives and the habits are tenacious. But it’s also because with advancing age, negative feelings such as loneliness and depression tend to take hold. As a result, drinking alcohol on a regular basis is often seen as a comfort, as a remedy for the blues.
What are the dangers of alcohol for the elderly?
Health deteriorates much faster
Alcohol consumption can have a number of harmful effects on the elderly. Over the long term, it tends to accelerate memory confusion, impair memory and cause cognitive problems. Alcohol also causes behavioural problems, such as aggression. Finally, drunkenness can be dangerous for your physical health, especially as you get older. It drastically increases the risk of falling, which at this age can sometimes lead to death.
The dangers of mixing alcohol and medication
Whatever your age, it is vital to avoid drinking alcohol while taking medication. Around one in three senior citizens is undergoing one or more medical treatments that require them to take medicines every day. For these people, the harmful effects of alcohol will be multiplied tenfold. If you are in this situation, it is advisable to read the leaflet accompanying your medication carefully, and to speak to your doctor as a matter of urgency.
Alternatives to alcohol for seniors
Breaking habits and adopting new practices
Even if it’s not easy, it’s important to remember that alcohol is never inevitable. Even if you’ve been drinking it for years, you can still get over it and adopt a healthier lifestyle. This will enable you to enjoy your old age under better conditions, and no doubt for longer. So don’t hesitate to take a drastic decision and go for it. There are many other activities you can enjoy without alcohol: sport, board games, reading or even art.